Ornament Designs

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Best of Tokyo Area Craft Shops

Sometimes, finding tools and materials for your crafting project can be difficult when you live in a foreign country and don't read or speak much of the language. For most people, finding their local craft store is just a quick Google search away, but for those of us living in Japan, it can be quite a challenge. After living in Japan for over a decade now, I've learned where the best places are to find the things I need for making my ornaments. If you are new to Japan and are an avid crafter like me, I hope to make your search a little bit easier.

Many of the links below are in Japanese and might be difficult to navigate if you can't read Japanese, even with the help of Google Translate. I recommend finding someone to help you if you can.



The best place to find almost anything you need for your craft project. Some locations are larger than others, with Yokohama Bay Quarter Mall having the largest. I buy my foam balls, cord trim, and various crafting tools here. They also have a nice selection of fabric and even art supplies in the larger locations. I recommend signing up for a discount card if you are a frequent shopper here.



Shimojima isn't a craft shop. They sell packaging, gift wrapping, stationary, and other various in-store selling materials. I buy all my ribbons here, as well as shipping boxes and other various items I need to run my business. If you need ribbons in bulk, I highly recommend looking here. There isn't a convenient location for me, so I use their online shop.



If you are in the Tokyo area, Nippori's fabric town is a must-visit. Find more fabric than you could ever possibly need or want. There are numerous textile and fabric shops, all located within a few city blocks. My favorite shop is the main branch of Tomato. 5 floors of every kind of fabric you can think of. I tend to spend most of my time on the top floor, which has the quilting fabrics. I also like to browse the fancy fabric floor and dream of making ornaments in expensive silks and velvet.

Other shops you might find useful:

Craft Town Group Shops


These shops include Craft Heart Tokai, Craft World, Craft Park and Craft Loop.



Sanki sells discounted clothing, home textiles, etc. Some of their locations also have a craft supply corner. I used to enjoy searching the fabric bin when I lived near one.

Various 100 Yen Shops

Daiso, Seria, Can Do, and other 100 yen shops all have craft supply sections. The quality of the products is sometimes questionable, but if you are looking for something to use just once or need something in a pinch, it's worth popping in to see if they have what you need. I like the pearl beads and hand-sewing needle sets from Daiso. I also sometimes find interesting sequin shapes or unique ribbons.